Michael Janicek
Senior Specialist, Lighting Design
Dallas, Texas USA
As our Senior Lighting Designer, Michael brings projects to life through his creative vision for illuminating architecture with specialty lighting. Fascinated by buildings and light as a child, his favorite pastime was playing with light, trying to apply it to environments and exteriors, often getting in trouble for the risks he took. His favorite projects are Old World cathedrals and buildings that manipulate daylight to create a sense of place and awe.
He has practiced lighting design for over 30 years, working with internationally recognized architects and interior designers across the country, completing projects as large as national monuments to those as fragile as the da Vinci Manuscripts. Having won numerous national and international awards for creativity, innovation, and energy efficiency, Michael brings a broad experience and novel approach to each project.
His endeavors range from resorts and hotels, to casinos, commercial interiors, churches, performance halls, and airports. For Corgan, he has designed lighting for Toyota, Kubota, 7-Eleven, Charles Schwab, American Airlines, Stryker, and others. Michael serves on the board of the Business Council for the Arts and is a graduate of the Leadership Arts Institute.
- Michael.Janicek [at] corgan.com ( )
Selected Content
Without light, the architect’s vision may be lost.