
Known for its natural beauty
Bellevue is a boomburg of Seattle and home to some of the world’s largest technology companies. A popular destination for tourism, this diverse multi-cultural hub near the port of Seattle and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport offers abundant opportunities in imports, aviation, technology, transportation, and commercial development.
Located across Lake Washington from Seattle, the city derives its name from the French term Belle Vue for “beautiful view” and is surrounded by lakes, rivers, and national forests. In the blink of an eye, visitors can see the majestic Mount Ranier, the Cascade Mountain Range, Mercer Island, the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. Located in the Pacific Northwest which incorporates Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of British Columbia, this strategic office location firmly establishes Corgan in this northwest U.S. and into Canada and Alaska, enabling the firm to bring its knowledge and design expertise to create inspirational architecture and design to serve the people and companies of this region.