Lady Bird Johnson Net Zero Middle School, Irving ISD

Project Stats
- Client
Irving ISD
- Size
152,250 SF
- Awards
ENR Magazine Texas and Louisiana Best of: K-12 Award of Merit
TASA/TASB Caudill Award
- Certification
- Market
- Expertise
Interior Design
Climate, Sustainability & Wellness
The first net zero school in Texas.
Lady Bird Johnson Middle School in Irving was the first net-zero school in the state of Texas and opened as the largest net-zero educational facility in the country. The 152,250 SF campus serves 900 students in the sixth through eighth grades.
This facility was designed to reduce energy consumption by more than 50 percent compared to typical schools with geothermal HVAC, passive solar interior daylighting, an efficient building envelope, high efficiency kitchen and advanced controls systems monitoring. The school uses wireless laptop technologies for all computing needs to further reduce power and cooling loads.
Energy is generated on site through solar panels across the building’s roof and turbines. The building acts as a teaching tool, with museum-grade interactive displays that engage students and give real time data, showing how their school is able produce as much energy as it consumes over the course of a year.

- 1st
Net zero school in Texas
- Largest
Net zero school in the U.S.

The new middle school produces as much energy as it uses, significantly reducing operational costs for the district. The school reflects sustainable efforts within the community while enriching student experience by learning about conservation